pete's messy room

thoughts and notes

ML driven products and services encountered per day

Saturday, February 27, 2016, 09:15 PM

I am currently going through Andrew Ng’s Machine Learning online class through Coursera and it makes me wonder how many machine learning algorithms we experience per day?

The question seems a little hard to answer since I do not know how many algorithms underlie what might seem like a task, so I’ll take a stab at an easier version instead, ‘how many machine-learning driven products or services do you encounter per day?’

Let’s work through my day:

08:00 - Get up, check Facebook Newsfeed (1) and email.

09:00 - Commute to work, check articles I’ve saved on Pocket, many of which were recommended based on what I read (2).

10:00 - Arrive at work, check my email, and plan how I’ll spend the day. Often times I end up searching things in the inbox (3), Google search (4), and Facebook search (5). When I write emails, Grammarly may help correct my typos (6).

12:00 - I might check instagram (7) or look for an App in Google Play for work (8)

13:00 - When I do reearch, I often have to look at foreign sites, with the help of Google Translate (9). Throughout the day, as I browse through the web, I’ll most likely be exposed to a bunch of ads based on keyword search and product clustering (10).

That’s about all I can think of at the moment? Feel free to post how many you think you encounter per day!